Alley Pond Pioneers 2024
Aspiring scientists entering 4th, 5th or 6th grade in the fall will love exploring nature and science at APEC! Each weekly program will focus on a different topic and have live animal guests, hands-on activities, and outdoor time. Children should dress for a daily nature walk and bring a labeled REUSABLE water bottle and nut-free snack. Participants should have sunscreen and bug repellant applied prior to entering the Center. Limited to 12 participants.
Week 6 August 12 – August 16 Wacky Wildlife: Learn about different groups of animals and meet some of the amazing creatures with which we share our planet. We will come to understand their adaptations and see how their bodies have been shaped to deal with predation, seasonal changes, and mating pressures. By the end of this class, you will be wanting to ask evolution: OK, BUT WHYY? JUST WHYYYY?