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Virtual Café - Houseplants 101
New to houseplants? Hoping to turn your brown thumb green? Join us as we explore tips on finding the best types of plants for you by learning how to assess your home and habits. Learn about what to look for when picking a plant at the nursery and what to do once you have chosen a new green friend. Zoom link and handouts will be sent upon registration.
Jocelyn Perez-Blanco, Founder of Herban Garden, is a local herbalist, naturalist, conservationist, Flower Essence Therapist, Essential Oil Coach, and avid gardener with a background in biology, animal husbandry and agriculture. She works as a consultant for everything from incorporating herbs into your life to tending to your houseplants and outdoor gardens. Her classes have recently been featured in The New York Times.
Sunday Jan. 10 11:30 – 12:45 pm
$10 per household